In July 2013 Sky Living launched new programme specific idents. At launch just 2 idents were introduced and aired in tandem with the 2012 idents. Two more idents were added in the following weeks and at this time the original two idents ‘Dracula’ and ‘Hannabal’ received new soundtracks. A fifth ident for ‘Greys Anatomy’ was added in August 2013 and this seen the complete withdraw of the 2012 idents from the ident rotation. The idents and presentation was created by MMMultiply. All of the channels idents feature characters from the channels programs in slow motion
Also in this section: Sky Living: 2012 Presentation

Hannibal is an American psychological thriller–horror television series created by NBC which made its UK premier on Sky Living on 7 May 2013.

The NBC drama ‘Dracula’ premiered on Sky Living on the 31 October 2013, by this time Sky Living had updated its logo and a second Dracula ident had been introduced.

Dannii Minogue features in this ident to promote the final season of Britian and Ireland Next Top Model.

A special ident for Season 9 of Greys Anatomy