Since the autumn of 2012 Nat Geo uses program related idents in tandem with its regular idents. Each ident features a real life model of the Nat Geo border design.
The idents were created by Nat Geo Channels Intl Creative.
Creative Director: Craig Ellis
Producer: Max Pickwoad

Two versions of this ident were broadcast – Generic (video) and Brain Games.

Three versions of this ident were created – Generic (video), Supercars and Mega Factories.

Two version of the Baggage screening ident air – Generic (first video) and Banged Up Abroad (second video)

Two versions of this ident were broadcast – Ultimate Airport Dubai (first video) and Air Crash Investigation (second video). The ident was filmed on location at Dubai Airport during the filming of the Ultimate Airport Dubai documentary.

Two versions of this ident were broadcast – Ultimate Airport Dubai (first video) and Air Crash Investigation (second video). The ident was filmed on location at Dubai Airport during the filming of the Ultimate Airport Dubai documentary.

Two versions of this ident aired – Generic (first video) and King Fishers (second video)

Two versions of this ident aired – Generic and King Fishers (video)

Two versions of this ident aired – Generic and King Fishers (video)

A special ident for Beyond Magic with Drummond Money-Coutts was used throughout November 2014.

A special ident used before episodes of Ultimate Airport Dubai Season 2 in Autumn 2014.