Several special idents have been created for certain programmes or seasons.
To promote the second series of The Wrong Mans, a special ident, featuring the show’s two protagonists being pursued by a teal 2, was created. It was during in December 2014 and January 2015.

In early January, a series of programmes called Meet the Super-Rich Season aired. A new ident was created for it, depicting the 2 in a helicopter.

A special ident was produced for the Food Season, a series of programmes dedicated to, well, food. The ident features blinking photographs of celebrity chefs, then a cloud of steam forming a 2-shaped hole.

To coincide with coverage of the World Championship Snooker, a special ident was produced, depicting the 2 being tickled by a snooker cue.

Two trails were produced to promote Springwatch in May 2015, featuring the programme’s presenters observing 2-shaped creatures.

The month of May 2015 was special for films as the month marked the 25th anniversary of BBC Films. To celebrate, a week of home-grown films were broadcast. Though no special idents were produced by the Network, BBC Two Northern Ireland revived the Centenary ident, an ident originally used to celebrate the 100th anniversary of cinema, from 1995. Interestingly, the ident, rather than having its original soundtrack, was shown throughout the week with the soundtrack for Powder, albeit cut down to be synchronised with the visuals. On June 25th, the ident was brought into regular rotation though with the original soundtrack, blurred edges and slowed down.

To coincide with the Eastbourne International and Wimbledon, a themed ident was created, featuring a doubles match and a ‘2’-shaped tennis ball.

In July, a weekly block of evening programming, dubbed “Sundays Don’t Stop”, began. An ident, a menu and a promotional trail were created to coincide with the block.

From August to September 2015, the BBC broadcasted a season of programming called the ‘India Season’.

On 21st September 2015, a special ident was used to introduced the first episode of In Case You Missed It.

Like its springtide counterpart, a special trail was created for Autumnwatch in October 2015.

To coincide with Halloween, BBC Two Northern Ireland reinstated the ‘Scary’ ident from 2000 on 30th October 2015. The Network brought it back the following morning.